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    More than 90 peer-reviewed publications
    in international journals and publishing houses:
    Weinheim: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, Philosophical Magazine A,
    Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials, Acta Materialia,
    Nanotechnology, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,
    Defect and Diffusion Forum, Solid State Physics,
    Physics of Metals and Metallography,
    Metals Physics and Modern Technologies,
    Ukrainian Journal of Physics, Physics and Chemistry of Solid State…
    2014-2015 years
    1. Shirinyan A. TWO-PHASE EQUILIBRIUM STATES IN INDIVIDUAL CU-NI NANOPARTICLES: SIZE, DEPLETION AND HYSTERESIS EFFECTS // Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2015, 6, 18-11-1820. doi:10.3762/bjnano.6.185
    2. Shirinyan A. Concept of Size-Dependent Atomic Interaction Energies for Solid Nanomaterials: Thermodynamic and Diffusion Aspects / Metal Physics and Modern Technologies (Металофізика та Новітні Технології). – 2015. – Vol.37(4). – Р. 475-486.
    3. Шірінян А. С., Макара В. А. Концепція створення і розвитку наноіндустрії в Україні // Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка: Серія фізико-математичні науки. – 2014. – №. 2(17). – С. 50-63.
    4. Шірінян А. С. Про роль мезоентропіі в термодинаміці фазових перетворень першого роду в сплавах // Фізика і Хімія Твердого Тіла. – 2015. – Т.16. – №1. – C.20-27.
    5. Шірінян А. С., Комісаренко О. С., Макара В. А. Використання термоаналізу для побудови фазових діаграм багатокомпонентних матеріалів // Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка: Серія фізико-математичні науки. – 2015. – 4. – C. 305-312.
    2010-2013 years

    1. Shirinyan A., Bilogorodskyy Yu., Makara V. (2013): Size-dependent loop of two-phase states of the isolated Cu-Ni nanoparticle. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, Vol.14, №3, 497-503. In Ukrainian: Шірінян А.С., Білогородський Ю.С., Макара В.А. Розмірно-залежна петля двофазних станів ізольованої Cu-Ni наночастинки // Фізика і Хімія Твердого Тіла. – 2013. – Т.14. - №3. – C. 497-503 .

    2. Shirinyan A. S. The change of the physical and chemical properties of nanomaterials in size-dependent first order phase transformations. – Manuscript. / 
    Thesis (Abstract) for scientific degree of doctor (habilitation) of physical and mathematical sciences by speciality 01.04.07 – solid state physics. // Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sport of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2012, 368p (40p).
    3. Shirinyan A., Bilogorodskyy Yu. (2012): Atom-atom interactions in continuous metallic nanofilms. Physics of Metals and Metallography, Vol.13, № 9, 823-830.
    4. Shirinyan, A., Bilogorodskyy, Yu., Wilde, G., Schmelzer, J. (2011): Size-dependent hysteresis and phase formation kinetics during temperature cycling of metal nanopowders Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 23, 245301.
    5. Pasichnyy, M. O., Shirinyan, A.S., Schmelzer, J. (2011): Evolution of a new phase clusters at the initial stages of binary alloys decomposition described in terms of a modified theory of nucleation. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 56, 192-199.

    6. Shirinyan A., Bilogorodskyy Yu. (2011) Estimation of influence of the size of the nanosystem on the energy of interactomic interaction. / Bulletin of Kiev National University, 13, 34-37. In Ukrainian: Оцінка впливу розміру металевої наносистеми на енергію міжатомної взаємодії // Вісник КНУ ім. Т. Шевченко: Серія фіз.-мат., 2011, №. 13, 34-37.

    7. Shirinyan, A. (2011): Size-induced diffusion reaction in a binary solid phase system. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 12, 12-19. In Ukrainian: Розмірно-індукована реакційна дифузія у бінарній твердофазній системі. Фізика і хімія твердого тіла.
    8. Shirinyan, A., Bilogorodskyy, Yu. (2010): Effect of a size dependence of the heterodiffusion coefficient on the nanophase growth in a binary solid phase system. Metal Physics and Modern Technologies, 32, 637-654. In Ukrainian: Вплив розмірної залежності коефіцієнту гетеродифузії на ріст нанофази в бінарній твердофазній системі. // Металлофизика и Новейшие Технологии
    9. Shirinyan, A. S. (2010): Reactive diffusion in a binary solid-state nanosystem. Solid State Physics, 52, 1267-1275.
    10. Belogorodsky, Y., Shirinyan, A. (2010): Size-Induced hysteresis in the kinetics of first order phase transformations in nanodispersed systems. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 11, 121-129. In Ukrainian: Розмірно-індукований гістерезис в кінетиці фазових перетворень першого роду в нанодисперсних системах. // Фізика і хімія твердого тіла.
    11. Shirinyan, A., Makara, V. (2010): Actual problems of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. Nanosystrems, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, 8, 223-269. In Ukrainian: Актуальні проблеми наноматеріалів і нанотехнологій. Наносистемы, наноматериалы, нанотехнологии.
    2000-2009 years
    12. Shirinyan, A., Belogorodsky, Y., Schmelzer, J. W. P. (2009): Influence of particle sizes of a nanopowder on competition and growth of different crystallographic phases during temperature cycling. Acta Materialia, 57, 5771-5781.
    13. Shirinyan, A., Belogorodskyy, Y. (2009): Size-induced thermal thermodynamic hysteresis in nanopowder undergoing structural transitions – from particular case to general behaviour. Journal of Phase Transitions, 82, 551-565.
    14. Wautelet, M., Shirinyan, A. (2009): Thermodynamics: Nano versus macro. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 81, 1921-1930.
    15. Kovalchuk, A.O., Shirinyan, A., Schmelzer, J. (2009): Kinetics of separation in the case of continuous concentration dependence of thermodynamic potential with taking into account the nonstoichiometry of clusters. Bulletin of Cherkasy National University, 171, 8-19. In Russian: Кинетика распада в случае непрерывной концентрационной зависимости термодинамического потенциала с учетом нестехиометрии кластеров. // Вісник Черкаського національного університету.
    16. Shirinyan, A. S. (2008): Mesoentropy. Phase formation and separation in an alloy. Bulletin of Cherkasy National University, 141, 20-37. In Russian: Мезоэнтропия. Образование и распад в наносплавах. // Вісник Черкаського національного університету.
    17. Shirinyan, A., Lubyanskyy, D. V. (2008): Size-Induced freezing effect in Monte-Carlo simulations of phase separation kinetics in nanoparticles. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 277, 163-171.
    18. Shirinyan, A., Belogorodskyy, Y. (2008): Size-induced thermal hysteresis in polymorphic transformation of metallic particles of Fe nanopowder. Metal Physics and Modern Technologies, 30, 1641-1650. In Russian: Размерно-индуцированный температурный гистерезис при полиморфном превращении металлических частиц нанопорошка Fe. // Металлофизика и Новейшие Технологии
    19. Shirinyan, A. S., Kudyn, M. P. (2008): The effect of selfsaturation in an alloy as the criterion of the beginning of the coalescence state. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 53, 50-60.
    20. Shirinyan, A., Belogorodsky, Y. (2008): 3D Monte-Carlo simulation of phase separation kinetics in a binary metallic alloy with vacancy mediated diffusion: Effect of initial supersaturating. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 277, 161-167.
    21. Shirinyan, A. S., Kudyn, M. P. (2007): Selfsaturation effect in the separation kinetics of the supersaturated alloy. Metal Physics and Modern Technologies, 53, 50-60. In Russian: Эффект самонасыщения в кинетике распада пересыщенного бинарного сплава. // Металлофизика и Новейшие Технологии.
    22. Shirinyan, A., Wautelet, M., (2006): Phase transitions in binary alloys: nanoparticles and nanowires. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 51, 539–545.
    23. Shirinyan, A., Wautelet, M., Belogorodsky, Y. (2006): Solubility diagram of Cu-Ni nanosystem. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 18, 2537-2551.
    24. Shirinyan, A., Wautelet, M. (2006): On phase changes in nanosystems. Materials Science and Engineering C, 26, 735-738.
    25. Shirinyan, A., Belogorodskyy, Y. (2006): Monte Carlo modelling of separation process in a binary alloy. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 51, 605-616.
    26. Shirinyan, A., Pasichnyy, M. (2005): Hysteresis in the Process of Phase Separation of Nanopowder. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 237-240, 1252-1257.
    27. Guisbiers, G., Shirinyan, A., Wautelet, M. (2005): The physics of macro-, micro- and nanomaterials. Physicalia Magazine, 27, 131-141.
    28. Shirinyan, A., Pasichnyy, M. (2005): Size-induced hysteresis in the process of nucleation and phase separation in a nanopowder. Nanotechnology, 16, 1724-1733.
    29. Shirinyan, A., Gusak, A., Wautelet, M. (2005): Phase diagram versus diagram of solubility: What is the difference for nanosystems? Acta Materialia, 53, 5025-5032.
    30. Gusak, A. M., Bogatyrev, A. O., Kovalchuk, A. O., Kornienko, S. V., Lucenko, Gr. V., Lyashenko, Yu. A., Shirinyan, A. S. and Zaporoghets, T. V. (2004): Nucleation and Growth in Nanosystems - Some New Concepts. Progress in Physics of Metals, 5, 433-502.
    31. Shirinyan, A. S., Gusak, A.M. (2004): Phase diagrams of decomposing nanoalloys. Philosophical Magaine A, 84, 579-593.
    32. Shirinyan, A.S., Wautelet, M. (2004): Phase separation in nanoparticles. Nanotechnology, 15, 1720-1731.
    33. Shirinyan, A. S., Pasichnyy, M. O. (2002): Effect of concentration depletion on kinetics of intermediate phase formation in the supersaturated alloy. Bulletin of Cherkasy State University. Physics: Proceedings of DIFTRANS’2001, 36–37, 51 –59.
    34. Shirinyan, A. S., Gusak, A.M., Pasichnyy, M. O. (2001): Diffusion-dependent thermodynamics of nucleation and kinetics of competitive separation in alloys. Metal Physics and Modern Technologies, 23, 1091-1109. In Russian: Диффузионно-зависимая термодинамика зародышеобразования и кинетика конкурентного распада в сплавах. // Металлофизика и Новейшие Технологии.
    35. Shirinyan, A. S., Pasichnyy, M. O. (2001): Possible nonmonotonicity of kinetics of nucleation. Metal Physics and Modern Technologies, 23, 789-796. In Russian: Возможная немонотонность кинетики зародышеобразования. // Металлофизика и Новейшие Технологии.
    1995-2000 years
    36. Shirinyan, A. S., Gusak, A. M., Desre, P. J. (2000): Nucleation and growth in nanometric volumes. Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials, 7, 17-40.
    37. Gusak, A. M., Shirinyan, A. S. (2000): Competitive separation in small particles (in Russian). Metal Physics and Modern Technologies, 22, 57-65. In Russian: Конкурентный распад в малых частицах. // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии. 
    38. Gusak, A. M., Shirinyan, A. S. (1999): Decomposition in small volumes and the possibility of metastable states. Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 44, 883-891. In Russian: Распад в малых объемах и возможность метастабильных состояний. Український фізичний журнал.
    39. Gusak, A. M., Shirinyan, A. S. (1998): Possibility of intermediate Metastable States in Decomposition of an Alloy (in Russian). Metal Physics and Modern Technologies, 20, 40-45. In Russian: О возможности промежуточных метастабильных состояний при распаде сплава. // Металлофизика и новейшие технологии.
    40. Gusak A. M., Lyashenko Yu. A., Bogatyryov, O. I., Shirinyan A. S. (1996): Reactive diffusion and Stresses. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 129-130, 95-126.
    Conference proceedings:
    39. Belogorodskyy, Y., Shirinyan, A. (2010): Investigation of properties of nanofilms in the dependence on film thickness. Proceedings of IV International Conference of Scientific physics-technology center of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv Karazin National University "Physical-chemical basics of formation and modification of micro- and nanostructures”. Kharkiv (Ukraine), October 2010, 1, 119-123. In Russian: Исследование свойств нанопленок в зависимости от толщины пленки.
    40. Shirinyan A. S., Bilogorodskyy, Y. S. (2008): The influence of sizes of nanopowder particles on the competition of polymorphic formation and growth different phases during the thermal cycling. Proceedings of International Conference of Kharkiv Institute Physics and Technology of National academy of sciences of Ukraine "Kharkiv nanotechnological assembly-2008”. Kharkiv (Ukraine): KPTI. Nanomaterials, May 2008, 2, 106-111. In Russian: Влияние размеров частиц нанопорошка на конкуренцию полиморфного образования и роста различных фаз при термоциклировании.
    41. Shirinyan A. S. (2003): Physics of small particles. Proceedings of 15th International Symposium ‘Thin films in optics and electronics’ of Kharkiv Institute Physics and Technology of National academy of sciences of Ukraine. Edited by Belyanin A. F., Lapshin V. L., Procenko I. E., Shulayev V. M., Kharkov: KPTI, April 2003, 59-73. In Russian: Физика малых частиц.
    42. Shirinyan A. S. (2003): Nucleation and separation in nanoalloys. Proceedings of 15th International Symposium ‘Thin films in optics and electronics’ of Kharkiv Institute Physics and Technology of National academy of sciences of Ukraine. Edited by Belyanin A. F., Lapshin V. L., Procenko I. E., Shulayev V. M., Kharkov: KPTI, April 2003, 97-105. In Russian: Зародышеобразование и распад в наносплавах.

    Conference Abstracts

    1. Shirinyan A.S., Bilogorodskyy Y.S., Makara V.A., Komisarenko O.S. The effect of nano-sizes and chemical depletion on atom-atom interactions and shift of binary phase diagram curves // Abstracts of «The International research and practice Conference "Nanotechnology and nanomaterials» NANO-2013 / Edited by Prof. Leonid Yatsenko. – Lviv: Eurosvit, 2013. – P. 161.

    2. Shirinyan A.S., Makara V.A., Bilogorodskyy Y.S., Komisarenko O.S. The effect of thin film thickness of the metallic system on the atomic interactions and on the shift of phase diagram curves // Abstracts of International Conference on Physics and technology of thin films  and nanostructures. – Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine), 2013. – P. 160.

    3. Shirinyan A.S., Makara V.A. Size-dependent growth of new intermediate nanophase at the contact of two metals during the reactive diffusion // Abstracts of ІІІ International Conference "Modern problems of condensed matter”. – Kyiv (Ukraine), 2012. – P. 60.

    4. Boltachev G.Sh., Lukyashin K.E., Shirinyan A.S., Shitov V.A., Volkov N.B. Nanopowders Compaction: 3d Simulation by Granular Dynamics Method // Abstracts of ІІІ International Conference "Modern problems of condensed matter”. – Kyiv (Ukraine), 2012. – С. 59.

    5. Bilogorodskyy Y.S., Shirinyan A., Chingina E. Influence of size spread of powder nanoparticles on the width of thermal hysteresis of polymorphic transitions of iron // Abstracts of ІІІ International Conference "Modern problems of condensed matter”. – Kyiv (Ukraine), 2012. – С. 61.

    6. Boltachev, G., Volkov, N., Shirinyan, A., Makara V. (2010): Simulation of the size effect in processes of powder compaction due to the granular dynamics method. // Abstracts of II International Conference of National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia "Nanostructured materials-2010: Belarus-Russia-Ukraine”. Kiev (Ukraine), 777. In Russian: Моделирование размерного эффекта в процессах компактирования нанопорошков методом гранулярной динамики

    7. Shirinyan, A., Belogorodskyy, Y. (2010): Kinetics of initial stages of reactive diffusion during the growth of new phase nanolayer in binary solid-state film. // Abstracts of International Conference of National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia "Nanostructured materials-2010: Belarus-Russia-Ukraine”. Kiev (Ukraine), 642. In Russian: Кинетика начальных стадий реакционной дифузии при росте нанослоя новой фазы в бинарной твердофазной пленке

    8. Shirinyan, A., Belogorodskyy, Y., Chingina, E. (2010): The influence of nanofilm thickness on the potential of interatomic interaction and shift of solubility curves on phase diagrams. // Abstracts of II International Conference of National academy of sciences of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia "Nanostructured materials-2010: Belarus-Russia-Ukraine”. Kiev (Ukraine), 641. In Russian: Влияние толщины нанопленки на потенциал межатомного взаимодействия и  смещение кривых растворимостей на фазовых диаграммах

    9. Boltachev, G., Volkov, N., Shirinyan, A., Belogorodskyy, Y. (2010): Simulation of powder compaction due to the granular dynamics method. // Abstracts of II International Conference of Kiev Shevchenko National University, Ministry of education and science of Ukraine and National academy of sciences of Ukraine "State-of-the-art problems of physics of condensed matter”. Kiev (Ukraine), 45-47. In Russian: Моделирование процессов компактирования нанопорошков методом гранулярной динамики

    10. Shirinyan, A., Belogorodskyy, Y. (2010): The size effect on the dependence of atomic interaction potentials and curves of phase diagrams of solid nanofilms. // Abstracts of II International Conference of Kiev Shevchenko National University, Ministry of education and science of Ukraine and National academy of sciences of Ukraine "State-of-the-art problems of physics of condensed matter”. Kiev (Ukraine), 14-15. In Russian: Размерный эффект в зависимостях потенциалов атомного взаимодействия и линий диаграмм состояния сплошных нанопленкок

    11. Belogorodskyy, Y., Shirinyan, A. (2010): Kinetics of initial states of growth of nanophase during the reactive diffusion. // Abstracts of International Conference of Cherkasy National University and Ministry of education and science of Ukraine "Organic and inorganic materials for molecular electronics and nanophotonics". Cherkasy (Ukraine), 24. In Russian: Кинетика реакционной дифузии при росте новой нанофазы в двойной бинарной твердофазной системе

    12. Shirinyan, A. S., Belogorodsky, Y. S. (2009): Size-induced thermal thermodynamic hysteresis in a nanopowder undergoing polymorphic transitions. // Abstracts of XII International Conference "Physics and technology of thin films and nanosystems”. Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine), 2, 117-118.

    13. Belogorodskyy, Y., Shirinyan, A. (2009): Size-induced hysteresis in kinetics of first order phase transformations in nanodispersed systems. // Abstracts of XII International Conference "Physics and technology of thin films and nanosystems”. Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine), 2, 117-118. In Russian: Размерно-индуцированный гистерезис в кинетике фазовых превращений первого рода в нанодисперсных системах

    14. Shirinyan, A. S., Bilogorodskyy, Y. S., Schmelzer J. W. P. (2009): Size-induced thermal hysteresis in Fe nanopowder undergoing structural transitions. // Abstracts of International Symposium on «Thermodynamics and Transport Kinetics of Nanostructured Materials (TTK)». Muenster (Germany), Mon-9, 31.

    15. Shirinyan, A. S., Bilogorodskyy, Y. S. (2009): Reactive diffusion kinetics of growth of a new nanophase in a binary diffusion couple during isothermal annealing. // Abstracts of International Symposium on «Thermodynamics and Transport Kinetics of Nanostructured Materials (TTK)». Muenster (Germany), P-28, 113.

    16. Shirinyan, A. S., Bilogorodskyy, Y. S. (2008): Size-induced thermal hysteresis during the polymorphic transition of Fe nanopowder – theory and modeling. // Abstracts of International Conference of Institute of Metals Physics of National academy of sciences of Ukraine "The contemporary problems of metal physics”. Kiev (Ukraine), 82. In Russian: Размерно-индуцированный температурный гистерезис при полиморфном превращении металлических частиц нанопорошка Fe – теория и моделирование.

    17. Shirinyan, A.S., Kudyn, M.P. (2007): Selfsaturation effect in the kinetics of separation of supersaturated binary alloy. // Abstracts Booklet of 4-th International Workshop "Diffusion and diffusional phase transformations in alloys” (DIFTRANS’2007). Cherkasy (Ukraine), O-13, 64-65.

    18. Shirinyan, A. S., Belogorodsky, Y. S. (2007): 3D monte carlo simulation of phase separation kinetics in a binary metallic alloy with vacancy mediated diffusion. // Abstracts Booklet of 4-th International Workshop "Diffusion and diffusional phase transformations in alloys” (DIFTRANS’2007). Cherkasy (Ukraine), P-2.8, 127.

    19. Shirinyan, A. S., Lubyanskyy. D. V. (2007): Size-Induced Freezing Effect in 2D Monte-Carlo Simulations of Phase Separation Kinetics in Nanoparticles // Abstracts Booklet of 4-th International Workshop "Diffusion and diffusional phase transformations in alloys” (DIFTRANS’2007). Cherkasy (Ukraine), P-2.9, 129.

    20. Shirinyan, A., Wautelet, M. (2006): Application of equilibrium thermodynamics of first order phase transitions to nanosystems. // Abstracts Booklet of IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies – Nanoelectronics "NanoSingapore 2006”. Singapore (Singapore), 68-NSMS-A0126, 348-349.

    21. Shirinyan, A., Gusak A., Wautelet M. (2005): Phase diagram versus diagram of solubility: what is the difference for nanosystems? // Abstracts of X International Conference "Physics and technology of thin films”. Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine), 3, 75.

    22. Shirinyan, A. S., Pasichnyy M. O. (2004): Hysteresis in the process of nucleation and phase separation in an ensemble of small isolated particles. // Abstracts Booklet of International Conference on Diffusion in Materials DIMAT’2004. Zakopane (Poland), 63.

    23. Shirinyan, A. S., Pasichnyy M. O. (2004): Size hysteresis in the process of nucleation and phase separation in nanopowder. // Abstracts Booklet of International Conference of Institute of Metals Physics of National academy of sciences of Ukraine "Nanosized systems: structure – properties – technologies, NANSIS 2004”. Kiev (Ukraine), С. 2-38, 111. In Ukrainian: Розмірний гістерезис в процесі нуклеації і розпаду нанопорошка.

    24. Shirinyan, A. (2003): Nucleation and separation in supersaturated binary nanoalloys. // Abstracts of IX International Conference "Physics and technology of thin films”. Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine), 2, 67-68.

    25. Shirinyan, A. S, Gusak, A. M. (2003): Nucleation and separation in supersaturated alloys with constraints. // Abstracts Booklet of Second International Workshop «Nucleation and non-linear problems in first-order phase transitions, NPT'2002». St. Petersburg (Russia), 47.

    26. Shirinyan, A. S., Pasichnyy, M. O. (2001): Effect of concentration depletion on kinetics of intermediate phase formation in the supersaturated alloy. // Abstracts Booklet of Second International Workshop «Diffusion and diffusional phase transformations in alloys, DIFTRANS». Cherkasy (Ukraine), PIII-1, 53.

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