Monographs on physics and chemistry
1. A. Shirinyan, V. Makara "Size-dependent physical-chemical phenomena
in nanodispersed solid systems: monograph in 2 parts".
– In Ukrainian / Kyiv National University named by T. Shevchenko,
2014. - 319p. ISBN 978-966-8846-18-2.
А. С. Шірінян, В. А. Макара. "Розмірно-залежні фізико-хімічні явища
у нанодисперсних твердих системах: монографія в 2-х частинах" /
– Наукове видання. – Київ: видавництво КНУ імені Т. Шевченко,
2. "Diffusion-controlled Solid State Reactions: in Alloys, Thin-Films, and Nanosystems" / [A. Gusak, S. Kornienko, G. Lutsenko, Y. Lyashenko, M. Pasichnyy, A. Shirinyan, T. Zaporozhets] / Scientific edition. – In English. – Editor: Gusak A. – Weinheim: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2010. – 476p. - to access the Flyer >>> |
3. Monograph "Models of solid phase transitions" / [A. Gusak, A. Bogaturjev, T. Zaporogets, A. Kovalchuk, S. Kornienko, G. Lutsenko, Y. Lyashenko, A. Shirinyan]. – Scientific edition. – in Russian. – Editor: A. Gusak – Cherkasy. 2004. – 314 p.
Monograph on behavioral economics
3. Shirinyan L, Shirinyan А. "Microinsurance in Ukraine: to be or not to be": monograph. / Scentific Edition (in Ukrainian with translated title, contents). – Publishing house: Chabanenko Y. A. - Cherkasy, 2012. – 208p. - to access the Flyer >>> |
Textbooks on physics and chemistry
4. Shirinyan A., Kornienko S. Textbook
"English for Technical Students":
Manual for students of technical institutes (in English).
ISBN 996-8251-86-5. Ministry of education and science of Ukraine,
Cherkasy. 2005. – 208p.
5. Shirinyan A., Ostashevska O.
Textbook "Thermodynamics and thermotechnics:
Volume І. Basics of heat- and mass-transfer":
Manual for students of technical departments of Universities,
polytechnic Institutes and Colleges. – in Ukrainian.
– Cherkasy. 2010. – 99p.
6. Textbook "Basics of Vector and Tensor Analyses":
Manual for students of physics departments
/ A. Gusak, A. Shirinyan. - in Ukrainian.
– Cherkasy National University. – Cherkasy. 2006. – 129p.
7. Shirinyan A. Manual "Collected problems of solid state physics".
Manual for students of physics department.
Cherkasy National University. - in Ukrainian.
– Cherkasy. 2004. – 61p.