1. Course "General physics: all divisions”
for students of physics and mathematical departments
of Universities and technical Institutes.
2. Course "Basics of Vector and Tensor Analyses”
for students of physics, mathematics and
technical departments of Universities.
3. Course "Practical training of solutions of physical problems”
for students of physics, mathematics and
technical departments of Universities.
4. Course "English for physics and technical students”
for students of physics, mathematics and
technical departments of Universities and Colleges.
5. Courses "Theoretical physics: Mechanics” and
"Theoretical physics: Quantum mechanics”
for students of physics departments of Universities.
6. Courses "Solid state physics” and
"Physical and chemical materials science”
for students of materials science departments
of Universities and technical Institutes.
7. Course "Thermodynamics and thermotechnics”
for students of physics and technical departments
of Universities and polytechnic Institutes.
8. Courses "Basics of heat-and-mass transfer” and
"Hydrogasodynamics” for students of technical departments
of Universities, polytechnic Institutes and Colleges.