1. International Workshop
"Nucleation Theory and Applications”
at Joint Institute of Nuclear Research,
2006, Dubna, Moskow region, Russia.
2. International Conference
"Diffusion and diffusional phase transformations in alloys”
Diftrans-2007, Sofiyivka, Cherkasy region, Ukraine.
3. International Workshop "Nucleation Theory and Applications”
at Joint Institute of Nuclear Research,
2008, Dubna, Moskow region, Russia.
4. Kharkiv international nanotechnological assembly
at "Physico-Technical Institute” of NASU,
2008, Kharkiv region, Ukraine.
5. International Conference
"Thermodynamics and Transport Kinetics of Nanostructured Materials"
on the occasion of the 50th anniversary
of the Institute of Materials Physics, Muenster University,
Schloss Nordkirchen, 2009, Germany.
6. International Conference
"The contemporary problems of metals physics",
Kurdymov Institute for Metal Physics of the NASU,
Kyiv, 2009, Ukraine
7. International Conference
"Modern problems of condensed matter",
Taras Shevchenko National Univeristy,
Kyiv, 2010-2012, Ukraine
8. International Workshop "Nucleation Theory and Applications”
at Joint Institute of Nuclear Research,
2010, Dubna, Moskow region, Russia.
9. XIV International Conference Physics and Technology of Thin Films and Nanostructures
devoted to 95 Anniversary NAS of Ukraine, 2013, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Bukovel, Ukraine.
10. IV International Scientific Conference
"Nanosized systems: structure, properties, technologies" NANSYS2013,
Kurdymov Institute for Metal Physics, NAS of Ukraine, 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine.
11. International research and practice conference «Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials»
(NANO-2015), Lviv, August 26-29, 2015, Ukraine
0. International Scientific Conference
"Nanosized systems: structure, properties, technologies" NANSYS2016, Kyiv, Ukraine.