Discussing the nanomaterials with Southhampton Group
of Prof. Nikolay Zheludev, Southhampton, the United Kingdom, 2006
Discussing the Reactive NanoDiffusion with Professor Ulrich Gosele,
Muenster, 2009, Germany
Discussing the detection of Ununseptium
with Professor Yuriy Oganesyan, Dubna, 2010, Russia .
Discussing the depletion effect with Dr. Juern Schmelzer,
Discussing with Prof. Guriya Georgiy (left) and Prof. Andriy Gusak (middle)
the dynamic effects in human blood, electric train, Moskow, Russia, 2011
Discussing with Professor Anatoliy Karasevskiy (on the right)
the quantum-mechanical origin of size effects, Kiev, Ukraine, 2013
Discussing the idea and the strategy of the presentation of new IT-service
at the International Engineering Start-up Competition with key team members:
Yuriy Bilogorodskyy (in the center), Olena Zemka (on the right), Dnipro, Ukraine, 2016
Discussing the urgent problems of Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies
with Academicians of NASU: Prof. Naumovets Anton Grygorovych (on the right)
and Prof. Chekhun Vasyl Fedorovich (in the center), Kyiv, Ukraine, NANSYS2016
Academic mission of members of Ukrainian group in Germany
People of Science under the Wish-Stone, Sofiyivka dendro-park, Ukraine
Seminar-presentation of philanthropic book "Microinsurance in Ukraine", 2013,
National T. Shevchenko University, Department of probability and statistics, Ukraine
Habilitation - Doctor of Sciences Diploma, 2012, Kyiv, Ukraine
Research in Muenster University, 2014
2014 - Publication of the monograph A. Shirinyan, V. Makara
"Size-dependent physical-chemical phenomena in nanodispersed solid systems:
monograph in 2 parts" / Kyiv National University named by T. Shevchenko, 2014. - 319p.
Our team is the finalist of International Engineering Start-up Competition
"Vernadsky Challenge 2016", Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
2016 - Joint Research in Muenster University with former Ph D student
Yuriy Bilogorodskyy and group of Prof. Gerhard Wilde
2017 - Singing Ceremony for cooperation between China Academy of Sciences
and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine at China-Ukraine
International Symposium on Innovation and Technology with Embassy representatives (Jinan, China)